2016 Shenzhen Maker Week, Speech by PCH, Institute for the Future, JU&KE, MakerBay

Szenzhen Maker Week 2016
Cesar Jung-Harada presenting “The 4th industrial revolution – apart from connected manufacturing” – slides below

Presentation at Shenzhen Maker Week. In this presentation, I argue that additionally to connected manufacturing will need:

  1. Technology that addresses social and environmental issues at its core. Here the example is Protei, the open hardware, shape-shifting sailing robot.
  2. An education system that increases creativity, consciousness and critical thinking. Here the example is the rapid prototyping of plastic, red tides and radioactivity sensors developed by Hong Kong kids.
  3. Develop robust local communities that are globally connected. Here the example is MakerBay, Hong Kong Maker Space for social and Environmental Impact.

Other amazing speakers:

Lyn Jeffery, Research Director, Ten-Year Forecast from the Insititute for the Future talked about intelligent connected objects making transactions and asking the questions that will shape the future. 

Shenzhen Maker Week

More of Lyn Jeffery on http://www.iftf.org/lynjeffery/

Liam Casey of PCH talked about PCH and what it does. Really enjoyed seeing mention of Arduino, Open Source and how “making” from idea to manufacturing and distribution has become so much simpler than it used to be. Lovely seeing Ayah Bdeir there too 🙂  PCH is serious about sustainability. Beyond the Highway1 program they have, they also encourage hardware entrepreneurs to address social issues with hardware innovation. Really cool. Please check: http://www.pchintl.com/sustainability/

Shenzhen Maker Week

Christophe Branchu & Julien Gueuning from JU&KE talked about “what is good design today” expanding the 10 commandements of Dieter Rams

  1. Innovative
  2. Useful
  3. Aesthetic
  4. Understandable
  5. Honest
  6. Unobtrusive
  7. Long-lasting
  8. Detailed
  9. Environmental
  10. As little design as possible
  11. Branding
  12. User-Centered
  13. Cost-Effective
  14. Emotional
  15. Personal
  16. Localised

More of Ju&Ke at : http://ju-ke.co/

Shenzhen Maker Week

 We also saw a spectacular installation by “Leo” at the Sino-Finnish Design Center

Shenzhen Maker Week

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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.