Maker Education in Holm Glad No.2 Primary School

MakerBay is very honoured to be one of the educational partners of the Jockey Club ‘Learning by Doing’ Academy (LBD) of Holm Glad No.2 Primary School to bring the joy of making and citizen science to local primary school students. On 10th December, an official opening ceremony of the LBD was held. We showcased students’ work, opening of the maker workshop and experience sharing with the visitors to demonstrate the different ways of learning.

In one of the module of our making classes, P.6 students learned to design and build an aquaponics system from scratch and understand the science behind the technology. Some other modules include the making of MakerBenches, a bench where all the basic tools are kept, through the module, students learned basic woodworking skills and more importantly, how to organise the tools in a safe and accessible manner; our P.4 and P.5 classes learned about basic electric concept and build a mini solar car to understand the importance of renewable energy. For the younger students, one of their project was to design and sew their own unique pencil and bottle cases.

Here’s the highlight of our maker classes in the first term of the 2016 – 17 academic year. 

1. 自給自足烏托邦。Self-sustainable City (P.6 小六)  

Project wiki:

2. 小小木工。Let’s become young carpenter(P.6 小六)
發想未來綠色交通。How to power our future transportation?(P4,5 小四 至 小五
環保木頭車。Derby car(P.4 – 5 小四 至 小五)
小創客筆記。Young makers journal。(P.2-P.6 小二 至 小六
縫紉初探:筆袋。 Sewing pencil case(P.2 小二)
動物水樽套。 Animal water bottle case (P.2 小二)

There are more to come. We hope more and more kids can become young makers and make a difference for our future.

Find out more about LBD Academy: 

Interested in our Maker Education program? Contact us at [email protected].  

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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.