20170902 “MakerTour” Talk by Marie Levrault and Lucas Graffan

MakerTour is an open community of explorers, traveling around the world to explore the diversity of collaborative fabrication workshops and makers. They share their discoveries on their platform and foster collaboration between maker spaces and makers.
Marie Levrault and Lucas Graffan, explorers at MakerTour, are currently on a journey in Asia since March 2017, at the discovery of 50 collaborative workshops and 100 projects towards 13 countries.
Come and join to hear about the amazing projects of makers they’ve discovered so far!
- Time: Saturday, Sept 2nd, 18:00 – 19:30
- Location: MakerBay Central at PMQ H508
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1869462526702826/

Lucas Graffan
Maker enthusiast, he used to spend his free time in makerspaces as a hobbyist. Lucas participated in many hackathons dedicated to IOT and co-founded a french start-up helping companies to prototype and test new ideas using the power of makerspaces and maker spirit. He joined MakerTour in 2016 to help building connections and collaborations between labs and makers.

Marie Levrault
Former consultant to help companies innovating differently, she co-built a French community to promote social entrepreneurship and collaborative economy (YESS). Passionate about new educational models and social innovation, Marie joined MakerTour to expand and explore the maker movement in Asia.
Quotes from the talk:
Question: When will we see massive changes coming out of MakerSpaces?
1. When the the tools have become truly accessible
2. When people really understand they can turn their dreams into reality in such spaces.
3. When people see it as a true social space, a place to gather with a good social connexion. A place to talk to each other.
4. When makerspaces enter schools: it means that schools understand that creativity and social skills are key for the future. ie in Kerala they are building 400 makerspaces into schools.
“One of the main issues is prioritizing […] it is easy to start too many things at the same time, but it’s hard to become good at any.”
“MakerSpaces are young and are still looking what they want to do […] They still don’t know what they are good at […] and go into doing too many things”
“Some makerspaces are afraid to work with other spaces and want to work by themselves […] and are not very collaborative.” (answering “dark side” of makerspace.”
Links shared:
- http://vigyanashram.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjrKl4-5sBI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0FoU98UOXY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bnvs62h1Gw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYARqEp0Nbg
- https://www.facebook.com/sl2square/
- http://www.karkhana.asia/
- http://www.projectdefy.org/
- http://makervillage.in/
- https://www.fab-manager.com
- https://wiki.fablab.berlin/index.php/Main_Page
- http://www.Makersource.info