青成共創: 助青年從實作中發掘自我
青成共創: 一起來建構心目中的青年中心吧!
完夢計畫 – 自己cosplay自己造
耆望有你 – 改善長者家居生活小發明
Comfortable Chair
【從錯誤中成長】 失敗可以令人累積經驗,而經驗往往是成功的根基。 今次deTour Nxt創意工作坊夥伴工匠灣基金會(Makerbay Foundation) 同成班同學仔 一齊落手落腳做櫈仔! 從畫圖到製造櫈仔模型,同學仔都要學懂使用錘子同鉗子等工具,並在過程中要與組員不斷嘗試及修改,體現「Trial and Error」精神! In the creative workshop led by MakerBay Foundation, students take from their own experience to…
Mini-Expedition: BGCA Bradbury
We were so excited to visit our partners at the BGCA Bradbury center in Sai Kung. The center is located in a green paradise. To get to…
「玩﹒創你想」 – 創客體驗日
MakerBay Foundation X YWCA ITBB & ITTM 街舞樂屯門@創聚派對 13 July 2019
YWCA ITBB & ITTM host a faire, this time, the theme is street culture. the event is located at Tin Hau Temple Plaza in Tuen Mun…
Youth Adult Co-creation: Let’s build our dream youth centre!
中文版本 What impression does Sheung Shui or Fanling give you? Streets crowded with parallel goods trader? Ox in field? Luen Wo Market? Well…anything for youths? You should meet…