Train-the-trainer: Foundation & Application of AI


AI is going to transform the way we learn and teach with the potential to provide personalized learning to students of different backgrounds and abilities. It is important for educators to equip themselves with fundamental knowledge of AI and machine learning, so as to create relevant and up-to-date teaching materials to students. 

The Capacity Building Workshop include topics of AI knowledge, exercise, teaching case studies and online resources for participants to have a comprehensive understanding of the latest technology.

Duration: 2-4 hours
Targets: Educators, social workers
Capacity: 50
Training Topics

  • Understanding Generative AI and Prompt Engineering
  • Applying Generative AI to create images, articles and presentations
  • Comparing and analyzing different AI tools
  • Collaborating with other participants to design a teaching plan / promotional materials

Interested in this Workshop?

 ► A workshops can be arranged for a group of 5+ participants. Please fill in the form and we will get back to you shortly.

Service Enquiry

Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.