MakerBay 最新消息

有關創客教育、影響力創力的綜合指南,以及MakerBay Foundation各項目的最新消息。


Coral Reef Mapping Robot 一直以來,潛水員都是深入海中拍攝珊瑚礁照片,再按珊瑚礁的體積及顏色進行評估。Scoutbots 團隊現時正在研發可以替代潛水員,深入海洋拍攝的無人機,以鐳射儀器取代機械空鉛裝置,再以電腦程式將拍下的影像整合成3D立體地圖。這項技術務求比現時的技術準確10倍,速度提升50倍,成本下降200倍。 地點|G/F, 地面廣場 Traditionally divers take photographs and evaluate coral reefs by their size and colors. The Scoutbots team is developing an ocean drone that replaces divers, a laser apparatus that replaces the mechanical quadrat, and the images collected are assembled into a 3D map

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【從錯誤中成長】 失敗可以令人累積經驗,而經驗往往是成功的根基。 今次deTour Nxt創意工作坊夥伴工匠灣基金會(Makerbay Foundation) 同成班同學仔 一齊落手落腳做櫈仔! 從畫圖到製造櫈仔模型,同學仔都要學懂使用錘子同鉗子等工具,並在過程中要與組員不斷嘗試及修改,體現「Trial and Error」精神! In the creative workshop led by MakerBay Foundation, students take from their own experience to share their idea of a comfortable chair. In teams, students worked together to create miniature models of their ideal chairs. The process involves teamwork, persistence and

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In this program, MakerBay provides tailored creative technology training and personal development mentorship to the refugees from RunHK. Acquire new skills Participants acquire new skills through basic operations of the machine training such as laser cutting, woodworking, metalworking etc. Build portfolio Participants apply the technology they learn to do something

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It is fun to fly a drone, but it is even more enjoyable to fly a drone that you built! This workshop is open to all aged 8 years or above, parents are welcome to join to enjoy a family day together. Building your own mini-drone is the best way

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希望製造者 | #廢物 #IOT

MakerBay was delighted to partner with Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN) and HKBN Talent CSI Fund to host the Hope Makers program. This green tech competition challenges university students to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) solution to the waste problem facing Hong Kong. Students are equipped with knowledge and

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Protei is a shape-shifting sailing robot that is wind-powered. Originally developed to clean oil spills, the soft hull technology can be applied to many other marine applications. Protei is an open hardware project developed by an international community of makers, coordinated by Cesar Jung-Harada. The project Protei is documented on

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What makes our air hard to breathe? Do you know the air quality in your living environment? MakerBay has designed a low-cost IoT Air Quality Sensor, to detect PM2.5 in the air you breathe. In order to better monitor the local air quality and increase the accessibility of these public

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We worked with the students from German Swiss International School to create an air quality monitoring system in their school. Over the 5 day Maker Week in our workshop, students learned about: The Process of Invention Citizen Science Data Visualisation Open Source Electronics Coding (include API, JSON, HTML, Arduino) Rapid

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IssueThere are many environmental and social issues in the world, but too often we feel powerless about them.  PropositionThis project is as much about the skill set, as much as the mind set: empower the students to identify issues, have empathy, design for impact, prototype, test, iterate, learn and share.

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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.