MakerBay 最新消息

有關創客教育、影響力創力的綜合指南,以及MakerBay Foundation各項目的最新消息。

MIT 香港創新節點 Kickstart 2016

IssueWestern students lack exposure to the “world’s factory” and this part of the world that is becoming increasingly where innovation happens. Asian students aspire to work with the minds of “the best university in the world”. PropositionMakerBay was the home of MIT Innovation Node “Kickstart” hackathon in 2016, a place where MIT and Hong Kong students can collaborate,

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會見 Tom Chi,2016 年 5 月 21 日

We were very lucky to have Tom Chi share with Makerbay community some of his current work, thinking, challenges. Below are some notes from the discussion. | Tom’s life these days These days : Patent trolling Inventions across the board Current research : Civilisation-level technologies A. Change reflectivity of the

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駐地創客訪談:Georg Hoenhe |創新援助

MakerBay Maker in Residence, Georg Hoenhe (Germany) explains the projects he has done with Hong Kong #‎homeless, #‎cagedhome dwellers and #‎refugees. In this riveting discussion, he explains his motivation, method and how everyone can become an independent humanitarian and contribute to #‎sustainable #‎development. 工匠灣(MakerBay)住宅製造者Georg Hoenhe(德國)解釋了他與香港無家可歸的籠屋居民和難民所做的專案。在這場令人關注的討論中,他解釋了他的動機、方式以及每個人如何成為獨立的人道主義者和如何為永續發展做出貢獻。欲了解更多關於Goerg Hoenhe工作的訊息,請瀏覽:欲了解更多關於工匠灣的訊息,請瀏覽:  More about Goerg Hoenhe

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CNN 上的 MakerBay

We are very lucky to be featured on CNN today! “This ‘maker’ community helps bring ideas to life”  Inventor Cesar Harada developed a shape-shifting, autonomous boat called Protei. But creating a larger prototype proved challenging in Hong Kong, where space is limited. So he opened MakerBay, a place where Harada

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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.