MakerBay 以蜂巢為特色
我們很高興能在 Honeycombers 中出現!謝謝你們!
當人們談論創客運動時,他們通常會想到 MakerFaire 上的機器人、電子產品和書呆子工程師。 MakerBay 是一個專注於社交和… “我們在一個偉大的城市發現了多麼奇怪的現象,我們需要做的就是睜著眼睛四處走走。生活中充滿了無辜……
原文作者:Annette Chan 2016 年 7 月 8 日 / 17:08 HKT on Coconuts HK dog-life-video 當我們看到這些來自進步港灣的鼓舞人心的年輕學生有多努力時,我們被深深地吸引住了……
我們很幸運能看到 Cherise Wong 用法語撰寫的關於 Makery 的精彩文章。謝謝! 英文文章:http://www — Publié le 13…
Facing various changes brought about by technological innovation, students need to develop different skills to address challenges in future society and the workplace. Through a…
Ms. Angie Zhou
Education Specialist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.