項目以應用劇場的形式推廣精神健康 ——以生死教育為基石進行戲劇創作,與特殊教育需要(SEN)學童和移民家庭的留港長者探究生命的意義。項目期望兩者在體驗戲劇的過程中互相交流,從而為SEN學童建立正面的自我價值,亦讓留港長者感受到社區的關懷與尊重。項目藉此建立跨代的情感連結及社區支持網絡,兩組容易被社會孤立的群體互相給予對方信心及支持,成為彼此心靈上的支援,協助彼此融入社會。 and elders with emigrant families. The theatrical pieces themed on life and death education invite participants to explore the meaning of life. Through facilitating interactions in the theatre, the venture hopes to help SEN children establish self-worth and enable elders with emigrant families to feel respected and cared for by the community. Moreover, these arts experiences not only establish emotional connections between the generations but also build community support networks for them. The young and old will no longer be isolated by society as they build confidence through their relationships and provide support to each other.