Mathilde Gattegno 建築攝影展“超越建築”於 MakerBay 荃灣開幕,2019 年 1 月 19 日

MakerBay 很高興地宣布,Mathilde Gattegno Architecture Photography 的開幕以及她與 Sylvia Yeung 的藝術作品的合作。 

  • 日期:2019年1月19日星期六17:00-19:30 |免費入場
  • 路線: 荃灣美灣街23A |探索公園旁 |距港鐵荃灣 5 分鐘




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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.