閱讀更多Jockey Club YouthCreate Series — Maker Education
This is a story of
growth and companionship
In this three-year YouthCreate series, MakerBay, as a Technical Partner, has been committed to bringing maker education and mindset to the next generation. Through technical training and co-create community projects, the youth and social workers have used the skills and mindset they have learned to create, and work together towards the goal of improving the community.
Three years have passed. With the joint efforts of social workers, young people and MakerBay, this project has come to a perfect end. But everyone is still connected after that. Through this program, we realized that maker education is about learning from each other, and understanding, through communication, the needs of youth centers and even the entire community. This way, we helped the community centers establish maker education, and make use of their creativity and knowledge of the community to create for the betterment of the community.
In three years…
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(e.g. competition, hackathon, show case, summer camp, community projects)
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In three years, we have worked with 6 youth centers across the city,
paving the way for co-creation with the youth.
青成共創: 助青年從實作中發掘自我
閱讀更多青成共創: 一起來建構心目中的青年中心吧!
閱讀更多完夢計畫 – 自己cosplay自己造
閱讀更多耆望有你 – 改善長者家居生活小發明
閱讀更多「玩﹒創你想」 – 創客體驗日
創客教育 的6間中心夥伴於荃灣南豐紗廠合辦「玩‧創你想」創客體驗日,活動吸引了500名市民參加,了解創客計劃及體驗手造文化。當中青年創客分享自己的今作作品、講解理念,與眾同樂。
閱讀更多In Hong Kong, we have a large and diverse community of makers. To provide you with a comprehensive overview, we gathered information on many of the Hong Kong makers, maker groups, makerspaces and resources, creating the Local Maker Map.
And you can add to the expansion of the map too! Click below for details.
Want to bring maker education to your youth center or make with the youth as well? Let’s start here and check out the online resources we have prepared for you.
Initiated and Funded by:
Technical Partner:
ICYSC Partners:
Capacity Building Partner: