The Hope Makers – Prototype Presentation Day!

MakerBay is delighted to partner with Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN) and HKBN Talent CSI Fund to host the Hope Makers program. This green tech competition challenges university students to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) solution to the waste problem facing Hong Kong.

Students are equipped with knowledge and skills provided through training on design thinking, rapid prototyping and maker skills (laser cutting, woodworking, metalworking, CNC milling).

After two months of hard work, they finally reached their first milestone – the presentation day.

On May 27, 2017, six teams of participating students presented their ideas and prototypes in front of the judges and their advisors. Based on their understanding of the community, the technicality and usability of the prototype, three teams were selected to proceed with the program.

The judging panel included:

  • Cesar Harada, Founder and Director, MakerBay
  • Eric Ho, Chief Information Officer, HKBN
  • Shan Tam, Chairperson, HKBN Talent CSI Fund Steering Committee
  • YS Chan, Director of Engineering Solutions Center, Arrow

Top left: Advisors, Stephan Kwok and Rex Hui, CSI fund senior manager, Bonnie Chan, showed support to the students during the presentation.

Top right: Announcement of the results!

Bottom left: Advisor Dr. Chris Fung chatting with students

Bottom right: Cesar Harada enjoying a conversation with the students.

IoT waste reducing ideas include:

Top left: Smart Bin to correctly categorize home waste and promote recycling.

Bottom left: Bakery tray that can detect the freshness of baked goods for smart and timely delivery of donation of leftover bread to groups in need.

Right: Water vending machine to dissuade one-time use bottled water.

 The semi-finalists include:

  • A simple device that visualizes water use at hotel through a fish tank.
  • Using the RFID technology, the simple tag and scanning gloves encourage food fairs visitors and exibitors to use biodegradable and reusable cups when obtaining or giving out samples.
  • a shampoo vending machine to encourage reuse of shampoo bottles among university students

The selected teams were given advice on how to further improve their ideas and prototypes. During the next few weeks, they will upgrade their prototypes, join a Japan study trip, and pitch their ideas in front of industrial and community leaders. Please stay tuned for more program updates!

This program would not have been possible without the generous support from AEL, Arrow, ERM, HK Recycles, Dr. Chris Fung, Ivy Lau, Voltra and Charming Holidays Hong Kong.

Photo credit: HKBN Talent CSI Fund Facebook

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Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.