MakerBay Drones Classes on Al Jazeera

MakerBay drones classes featured in Al Jazeera today! Well done.
MakerBay drones classes featured in Al Jazeera today! Well done.
We really had a blast this year at the Hong Kong MakerFaire. MakerBay was presented in 8 booths and we had many interactive exhibits that…
Maker spirit thrives on learning and growing by trial and error. David, known as “Uncle Pallet”, learns woodworking online and upcycles discarded wood into different products. As the founder of “Dne repurpose”, he hopes to change public perception of pallet wood and other recycled wood with his works.
MakerBay Newsletter | 2021 September Issue
Earlier, we provided a Design Thinking class that consisted of 12 sessions for TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College, to explore the potential of SEN students. In this class, we guided a group of SEN students to design a mobile coffee cart for Coffee Society.
MakerBay is very excited to work with West Kowloon Cultural District and teach families how to build mini-drones! Our instructor Ken Chew and his family…
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Ms. Angie Zhou
Education Specialist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.