Impact Innovation Summer Program: Life Below Water!

From 26/6 to 3/7 we had an Impact Innovation Summer Program, our topic is SDG goal 14: Life Below Water. We had 13 students join us in the whole week, we separated into 3 groups, we went on an expedition, we defined the problems, we brainstormed many crazy ideas, we built in workshop, we tested and refined, let see what they made for our ocean.
In Day1, we went to expedition in Ting Kau Beach, we collected plastic sample and water sample back to MakerBay and start our experiments.

Experiment 1:
We collected 1L water sample from the sea and took back to our lab. We filter the water 3 times and use the microscope to observe the findings.
Experiment 2:
We searched for plastic beads in the sand, we brought them back and tried to identify them.
Experiment 3:
We got some detergents from daily life, dissolved them with water, and filtered it, let’s see if there are any micro plastic in our detergents.
In Day2, We learnt more about the life cycle of plastic and defined the problem that we want to solve, the students came up with so many creative and crazy ideas. The groups made some prototypes and got feedback from each team.
Day3 and day4 was workshop section, they went out and searched for suitable material for their design, and started making. They faced many difficulties and they needed to solve the problem by themselves.
In day5, we had a sharing section. We invited parents and some experts to give feedback for their design. Hope they enjoy and learn something in this whole week, and use what they learnt to change our world better.
Dolphin Team:
Project Karen: Plastic Filtering
Jelly fish team:
Plastic Catcher Seahorse team:
RC Car Sand filtering