Crip Art Residency

Social Inclusion, Community Need

The Crip Art Residency programme transforms disability experience into artistic creation through discussions and ideation.

The residency programme aims to disprove the narrative “disability is a weakness” and to treat disability as a unique creative resource and theme, as well as re-present crip while expanding the spectrum of contemporary art. Different public events will be held to enhance public awareness of disability issues.

Brainy Training Kit

Aging, Health Care

Dementia is an irreversible condition. By 2040, one in three people will be elderly. In 2039, more than 330,000 people in Hong Kong are expected to be diagnosed with dementia. With a team of registered occupational therapists, Brainy Training Kits uses their professional knowledge to design a training kit for people with dementia. The goal is to slow the progression of the disease and alleviate the burden on caregivers and medical staff.

Ms. Angie Zhou

Education Specialist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Angie Zhou is an Education Specialist at MIT App Inventor. She was the founder and CEO of Dreams Come True in Shenzhen, where she developed online coding courses for kids. She also has previous curriculum development, teaching and staff training experience at First Code Academy in Hong Kong.